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Touchless door access control now in the forefront of technology needs for businesses since COVID-19

Access Control Systems in times of COVID-19

The current crisis has presented several short- and long-term challenges to organizations attempting to make their workplaces accessible and safer for their employees and visitors. Many businesses are still trying to navigate how to ensure the security of their physical spaces and assets without having someone on site, and how to manage daily operations as they shift to a remote working environment. Even with fewer employees coming into the office, there are still security risks to consider:

  • Access for regular deliveries and maintenance
  • Updated door schedules and operating hours
  • Possible internet or other service interruptions
  • Limited or no access to security systems that run on localized servers
  • Inability to deactivate or replace lost badges, cards or fobs
  • Access for regular cleaning and disinfecting in the facility

Touch-less Door Access ControlTELECO has the latest touch-free technology for door access control that can help your business stay secured, lowering the risk of spreading the virus.

These access challenges will continue to evolve as information on COVID-19 regulations and public expectations progress in the weeks and months ahead.

As the situation with the current pandemic continues to develop, it is demanding small business owners acquire the new tools needed to mitigate risk going forward. Now is a good time to consider updating your access control to a more modern, touchless, future-proofed system that can still be effective, even if all your employees are working remotely.

TELECO has been helping businesses succeed since 1981, delivering customized technology solutions. We are confident we can help you rebuild your business after the coronavirus pandemic by providing technologies to help your company get back on track.

To find out more on how we can help, contact us today and one of our access control experts will be glad to assist you and discuss your options. We, more than ever before, are here to help you succeed. Learn more about access control solutions by clicking here.



access control systems, building access systems, COVID-19, door access control, touchless entry systems
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